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The introduction of the REACH legislation brings about an important change in the operations of the chemical industry and related segments throughout the European Union. The REACH regulation (standing for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) that became effective as of June 1, 2007 under no. 1907/2006 and is applicable to chemical substances alone, but also contained in a preparation or object (if chemicals are intentionally released) and stipulates new rules of trading chemicals.

OQEMA, s.r.o. as a distributor of chemicals is required to meet the REACH requirements. The implementation of the new legislation is based on information sharing within the supply chain. Our goal is to provide an effective tool of providing such information to all the involved parties, including suppliers, customers or just people looking for detail information concerning the REACH legislation.

Declaration on the fulfillment of obligations resulting from Regulation (EC) n. 1907/2006 (REACH) you can download here.

More info:

OQEMA, s.r.o.
J. Kalinciaka 5
971 01 Prievidza
Slovak republic

Tel:  + 421 46 5420 778


Mobil: + 421 907 984 718
Mobil: + 421 918 182 966
Mobil: + 421 907 879 417

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